Screen Time & Your Kids Eyes

Educational Download


In the current digital world, children are exposed to blue light, now more than ever. While we have always wanted to limit screen time to promote creativity and physical activity and encourage children to find healthier sources of entertainment, we now know that the negative effects of screen time include long-lasting impacts on their eyes and vision. There may have been some truth to our parents warning us about sitting too close to the television as kids.


The blue light emitted by screens has a profound effect on the entire structure of the eye and reaches as far back as the macula. Short term blue light exposure causes eye fatigue, eye strain, headaches, and circadian rhythm disruption — sleep disturbances. While long term effects are not yet well known, some impacts include vision loss, decreased attention span, and poor behavior. 


As a parent, you want to protect your children every moment of the day, but in reality, you can only do so much to prevent or limit screen time. To help set your children up for success, you can encourage alternate activities and help protect their eyes when they are exposed to harmful blue light. A healthy diet, rich in eye supporting minerals, and daily eye vitamins are a great start. We’ve created an educational white paper for parents to help you better understand what blue light is, the potential consequences of exposure, as well as offer some practical solutions to promoting eye health in your kids.


From tablets and e-readers to smartphones and computers, we are all exposed to screens throughout the day. Despite your best parenting efforts, we are all exposed to blue light from screens, indoor LED lighting, and even the natural sunshine. The harmful blue light that is emitted can have severe, short-term and long-term consequences on the developing eye, and we have yet to see the long-term effects of the digital age on children.

It’s never too early to start protecting your children’s eyes, and here at Viteyes®, we are proud to offer a once-daily gummy or capsule for children ages 12+. Review our educational download, and try our eye vitamins today!

Download Screen Time & Your Kids Eyes

Download Screen Time & Your Kids Eyes

Order your children’s supply of Viteyes® Blue Light Defender® Gummies today.

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