The Supplement Showdown: Multivitamins vs. Individual Vitamins

Vitamin HealthAREDS 2, AREDS 2 Companion Multivitamins, Eye Health, Eye Vitamins, Specialty Eye Supplements, supplements

You’ve decided to take supplements to ensure you get all your necessary nutrients, and as you head to the pharmacy, you feel confident and ready for this new chapter in your health journey. 
And then, you see it —shelves and shelves of bottles, powders, gummies, and drops. You start asking yourself questions – Is a multivitamin or individual vitamin healthier? How much of each do I need? Are there some that shouldn’t be taken together?   

It can feel overwhelming but fear not! We’re here to guide you through this supplement showdown to help you make the right decision for your health! 

Multivitamins vs. Individual Vitamins: Which is Healthier? 

Multivitamins are like the Swiss Army Knife of supplements, containing a little bit of everything. They are recommended for individuals who want to ensure their nutritional needs are met or have health concerns that can be addressed through a combination of vitamins. For example, the AREDS2 formula is a multivitamin containing specific vitamins and minerals that support macular health, but not a full-body multivitamin. 

Viteyes® Classic AREDS2 Companion Multivitamin provides the daily nutrients you need without duplicating the ingredients already present in AREDS 2 supplements (Vitamin E, C, Zinc or Copper – AREDS 2 Formula). Our unique, trusted formula can be taken in harmony with an AREDS 2 product, as a daily multivitamin. This product reduces the risk of taking higher doses of Antioxidants and Zinc by not duplicating the ingredients already included in AREDS 2 formulas.  

Multivitamins are simple and effective, but individual vitamins may be preferred by those who have difficulty absorbing specific nutrients or with specific needs. The truth is, both can be healthy, but which one you should take depends on your needs.  

Why Separate Them? 

There are several instances when taking vitamins individually may be beneficial. For example, if you are pregnant, you may need higher levels of folic acid, iron, and calcium, which are absent or low in most multivitamins. Or, if you have difficulty absorbing B12, you may need to supplement with a higher dose. If your doctor tells you that you are low in Vitamin D, you may need to take a solo Vitamin D supplement to get enough to help increase your levels of Vitamin D. Individual supplementation allows you to target specific deficiencies and tailor dosage, but you need to be mindful of what you’re combining.  

To ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients your body needs, you must look beyond the multivitamin. Omega-3 fatty acids are another great example. Although not technically a vitamin or mineral, this powerhouse nutrient is critical for brain function, heart health, and reducing inflammation in the body. And while some multivitamins may contain small amounts, they are often not enough for optimal health.  

Fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, are rich in Omega-3s, but it can be challenging to consume enough Omega-3s through diet alone. That’s where Omega-3 supplements come in! These supplements have gained immense popularity for their ability to provide an easy and convenient way to increase your Omega-3 intake. But beware! Not all Omega-3 supplements are created equal. You need to make sure you choose a high-quality product that contains the correct amount and form of Omega-3s. 

Viteyes® Omega-3 TG, for instance, is unique as it’s formulated with a triglyceride (TG) form of omega-3. This form of omega-3 offers extremely potent natural anti-inflammatory properties and may absorb better in the body to help: 

  • Alleviate occasional dry eye symptoms 
  • Increase tear film production in the eye 
  • Promote eye, brain, and heart health  

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together? 

Vitamins shouldn’t be taken together when one interferes with the absorption of the other. Zinc, for example, can interfere with iron or copper absorption, which can lead to a deficiency. Therefore, taking these two separately or in a controlled amount is recommended. Calcium can also reduce the absorption of iron and magnesium, and vitamins D and K are known to interfere with one another. 

Multivitamins and individual vitamins each have their advantages. Just remember to take precautions with the combinations listed above and speak with your doctor if you take prescription medications.   

With the correct vitamins and supplements, you can enhance your overall well-being and improve your body’s functionality!