Natural Vitamin E Vs. Synthetic Vitamin E

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If you are looking for a way to improve your eye health, you may be wondering whether natural vitamin E is better than synthetic vitamin E. Both of these types of vitamin E have their benefits.  In this blog post, our team at Viteyes will discuss the differences between natural and synthetic vitamin E, and why natural vitamin E may be a better option for eye health. Learn more and get the eye vitamins you need to keep up with your eye health today!

Natural Vitamin E Is a Single Stereoisomer, While Synthetic Is a Mix 

One of the key differences between natural and synthetic vitamin E is that natural vitamin E is a single stereoisomer, while synthetic vitamin E is a mix. What does this mean? Simply put, it means that natural vitamin E is more effective and efficient than synthetic vitamin E. The reason for this is that when you consume natural vitamin E, your body is able to use it more easily and effectively. Synthetic vitamin E, on the other hand, is not as easily absorbed by the body and does not provide the same level of benefits.

The Body Discriminates Between the Two, Favoring Natural 

Not only is natural vitamin E more effective than synthetic vitamin E, but the body also discriminates between the two. This means that the body prefers to use natural vitamin E over synthetic. This is because natural vitamin E is a more complete form of the nutrient, while synthetic vitamin E contains only part of the nutrient, so the body has to work harder to use synthetic vitamin E, and it does not provide the same level of benefits as natural vitamin E.

Natural Vitamin E Is Far More Potent 

Another key difference between natural and synthetic vitamin E is that natural vitamin E is far more potent than synthetic. In fact, natural vitamin E is up to 50 times more potent than synthetic! This means that you need to consume less of it in order to get the same benefits as you would from synthetic vitamin E. If you’re looking for a way to improve your eye health quickly and effectively, natural vitamin E is the better option when it comes to eye vitamins.

Natural Vitamin E Is More Stable

Natural vitamin E tends to be more stable than synthetic, meaning that it does not break down as quickly, and it retains its potency for a longer period of time. Natural vitamin E is the superior choice when it comes to finding eye care that will provide long-lasting benefits.

Viteyes specializes in eye health, and we offer both synthetic and natural vitamin E. If you’re looking for high-quality, effective eye supplements, browse our selection or contact us today!