The Benefits of Omega-3s: Why You Need Them 

Vitamin HealthNutrition, Ocular Nutrition, Specialty Eye Supplements

It is widely accepted that proper nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Among the various essential vitamins and minerals, Omega-3s stand out due to their unparalleled ability to positively impact many areas of our lives. From supporting brain development and decreasing inflammation to aiding heart health and reducing symptoms of depression, the benefits of omega-3s are far-reaching and difficult to ignore. 

What are omega-3s? 

Omega-3 fatty acids are types of polyunsaturated fat that are essential for maintaining good health. They’re found in various foods, including fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, and have been shown to have great health benefits. A higher intake of omega-3s has been linked with numerous positive effects on the body, including increased joint flexibility and comfort, a stronger immune system, and a better mood. With so much to offer our bodies, it’s no wonder that omega-3s are widely recommended as an important part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids 

For brain health, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation in the brain, protecting against cognitive decline and improving brain function. They may also help to reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. For heart health, Omega-3s help reduce heart disease risk by lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving cholesterol levels. And for eye health, Omega-3s help support long-term macular health. There are also links between omega-3s and positive mood – so there is even an emotional benefit to getting these essential nutrients. It’s important to include Omega-3s as part of a healthy diet, either through foods high in Omega-3s or supplements containing them.  

Different types of Omega-3s 

Many don’t realize that there are two main types of Omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, and are often used in supplements. Each of these provides unique benefits to the body. DHA has been shown to improve cognitive performance, memory, and overall brain health, while EPA can affect emotional states by assisting in the reduction of stress hormones while also maintaining cardiovascular health. 

We can also differentiate Triglyceride (TG) vs. Ethyl Ester (EE) forms of Omega-3s. Triglycerides (TG) are how fats are typically stored in the body and make up about 95% of the fats in the diet. They are the natural form of Omega-3 found in fish. Omega-3 TGs are called triglycerides because they contain three fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone. TG form has great anti-inflammatory properties and can better absorb in the body. Look for it in our VITEYES OMEGA-3 TG

Omega-3 ethyl esters (EE) are artificially created in the laboratory by breaking the bond between fatty acids and their glycerol backbone. The reason behind the production of ethyl esters is that it is necessary to concentrate the fish oil and remove impurities. Companies can create high-strength Omega-3 EPA and DHA supplements without impurities by using this process. Without fish oil concentration, it would be extremely difficult to get the right dose of Omega-3. You can find this basic form of Omega-3s in our VITEYES OMEGA-3.  

Start supporting your brain, heart, and eye health by adding Omega-3s to your diet today.