The Difference Between Omegas 3-6-and 9

ViteyesEye Health, Nutrition, Research

Why You Need Them & How to Get More


Everyone should know by now that omegas are great for our health. There are three types of Omegas, which can be confusing. Which type is the best for you? Is one omega better than the other? How can I get more omegas into my diet?

The definition of an omega is an essential fatty acid necessary for the health for all systems in the body, including the health of your heart and eyes. The three types of omega fatty acids are Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.

Out of these three, two of them cannot be made by the human body (omega 3 and omega 6), which is why many of us supplement with omegas or aim to focus on a diet rich in natural omegas. The three omegas (3- 6- 9) provide unique health benefits that support different functions within the body.

Omega 3- Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be made by the human body and can be found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel, as well as nuts, like almonds and walnuts. Omega-3’s are essential for total body health, but especially great for eye, heart and brain health.

Omega 6- Supports the same functions and works hand in hand with omega-3. You can find omega-6 naturally in seeds, nuts, grains and green leafy vegetables, like lettuce, broccoli, and kale. As well as certain raw vegetable oils, like olive oil.

Omega 9- Produced naturally by the body, omega-9 can also be found natural in foods like chia seeds, avocado, pistachios, almonds and cashews. These omegas help support immune health and promote balanced cholesterol.

If you’re not confident with your omega intake, a supplement may be a good option.

Viteyes® Omega-3 provides wild-caught, sustainable omega-3 in a convenient 1 softgel per day. Each pill contains 1,000mg of omega-3 fatty acids, 300mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 200mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Viteyes® Omega-3 is enteric coated to control the location in the digestive system where the capsule opens and is absorbed. The coating helps to reduce the fishy aftertaste that you may experience with omega-3. Ask your doctor if an Omega-3 supplement is right for you.